Contact us

Contact CERT NZ if you have feedback or a general enquiry.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger or a crime is being committed, call 111 now. 

Report an incident

If you’d like to report a cyber security issue, use our online tool rather than sending us an email.

Report an issue — businesses and individuals

Report an issue — IT specialists

If you'd like assistance completing the form, call us:

  • in New Zealand, call us on 0800 CERT NZ (0800 2378 69)
  • from overseas, call +64 3 966 6295.

Calling us is free within New Zealand. We’re open 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, and we’re closed on public holidays.

NZ public holidays External Link  

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, email our media desk at

Get updates

You can also follow us on Twitter - we're @CERTNZ External Link

You can also follow us on Facebook - you can find us at  External Link

You can also follow us on LinkedIn - you can find us at External Link  

Subscribe to our mailing list External Link

Report a vulnerability

If you're reporting a vulnerability about someone else's product, see our vulnerability information:

If you're reporting a vulnerability about CERT NZ, you can find details of our PGP fingerprint, email address and vulnerability reporting policy in our security.txt file at

Post us feedback

Our postal address is:

PO Box 1473
Wellington 6140.

General queries

For general queries, email us at the address below. Please do not report any incident data or share personal information via this email address.