Cyber security behavioural research

CERT NZ conducts research to understand New Zealanders’ cyber security attitudes and behaviours. This page contains links to some of these reports.

2024 SME Cyber Security Behaviour Tracker  

The SME (small to medium enterprises) Cyber Security Behaviour Tracker 2024 was run between April and May 2024 and surveyed the attitudes and behaviours regarding cyber security of small to medium-sized businesses (0-49 full time equivalent) throughout Aotearoa.  

NCSC, as part of its CERT function, contracted TRA to conduct this research. An online survey was sent to a nationally representative sample of 349 small to medium businesses 

The questions covered: awareness, knowledge, barriers to change, behaviours, and information sources. 

2024 SME Cyber Security Behaviour Tracker [PDF, 4.4 MB]

2024 Cyber Security Behaviour Tracker

In April 2022, CERT NZ conducted research to achieve a comprehensive measure of New Zealanders’ cyber security attitudes and behaviours.

Building on this insight, a 2023 survey was conducted to track how New Zealanders’ cyber security attitudes and behaviours are changing over time.

The online survey interviewed a nationally representative sample of 1,023 New Zealanders, aged 18 years and over.

The survey covered demographics, cyber security awareness, knowledge, barriers to change, behaviours, and information sources.

2024 Cyber Security Behaviour Tracker  [PDF, 1 MB]

Cyber security: Attitudes and motivations

This research project by CERT NZ and The Research Agency explores New Zealanders’ cyber security attitudes, barriers and motivations. 

Cyber security attitudes and motivations: Integrated Insights [PDF, 4.9 MB]

Cyber Change: Behavioural insights for being secure online

CERT NZ and The Research Agency have produced Cyber Change – a book of behaviour change techniques aimed at prompting positive cyber security actions.

Cyber Change: Behavioural insights for being secure online [PDF, 737 KB]

The guide was created for government and industry agencies who are working in the area of online security, and its purpose is to share insights about how to improve the effectiveness of cyber security interventions.