Quarter One Report 2018

CERT NZ’s Quarter One Report 2018 provides an overview of the cyber security incidents reported this quarter. Age data has also been included for the first time.

For the first time, more than 500 incidents were reported in the quarter, and we have introduced new age data. Looking at the 180 reports about individuals that provided date of birth, all age ranges were affected. However, when we look at the value of financial loss by age, 87% of these reports were made by people over 55yrs.

Overall financial loss continues to be high, with nearly $3 million of losses reported. This is more than half the total losses reported to CERT NZ in 2017.

The number of reports in several incident categories increased significantly compared to the previous quarter including reports of:

  • phishing and credential harvesting (55% increase)
  • unauthorised access (67% increase), and
  • reported vulnerabilities (133% increase).

We’ve reviewed the best way to share the data we collect and what it means about the cyber security landscape in New Zealand. From this quarter we’ll produce two new reporting documents:

  • Quarterly Report: Highlights document which summarises key observations and focus areas that the data is demonstrating, and
  • Quarterly Report: Data Landscape, which provides detailed graphs and data about the reports we receive, and the impact this has on New Zealand.

Quarterly Report: Highlights [PDF, 723 KB]

Quarterly Report: Data Landscape [PDF, 954 KB]

Results in numbers

Number of incidents reported by quarter

Column graph of number of incidents reported by quarter, showing rise from 364 reported in Quarter 2 of 2017 to 506 incidents in Quarter 1 of 2018  

We received 506 reports in the first quarter of 2018. This is the highest number of incident reports received in a quarter since CERT NZ was established.

Results by type

Phishing returns to the top category of incidents reported this quarter. Part of this increase is due to the increasing number of phishing website takedowns we have been involved in as we ramp up our efforts to try and address this problem.

This quarter CERT NZ received 35 vulnerability reports, the highest since reporting began and more than twice the number in Q4 2017.

There is a 67% increase in incidents involving unauthorised access this quarter compared to Q4 2017.

Breakdown by incident category

Bar graph showing breakdown of incidents by category for Quarter 1 of 2018 with phishing and scams the categories with the highest number of incidents

Reporting by age

Graph showing 13 per cent of the loss value reported by under 55 and 87 per cent over 55 years

We received 297 incidents about individuals, of which 61% provided their date of birth. Of these, the largest age bracket was people over 65 years, and the second largest was people aged between 35 and 44 years.

New Zealanders of all ages are targeted and vulnerable to cyber security threats.

While all New Zealanders are affected by cyber security incidents, people over 55 are reporting the majority of the financial loss.

Reports about individuals; breakdown by age

Pie chart showing reports by individuals by age group: 3 per cent by those under 18 years, 12 per cent by 18 to 24 year olds, 15 per cent by 25 to 34 year olds, 17 percent by 35 to 44 year olds, 15 per cent by 45 to 54 year olds, 15 per cent by 55 to 64 year olds, and 25 per cent from those aged over 65 years.

Phishing takedowns on the up

Taking down phishing websites is one way to stop New Zealanders from being impacted by phishing campaigns. We received 102 requests to takedown phishing websites this quarter. These include requests for CERT NZ to either action or to support requests from affected organisations.
