International guidance for organisations engaging with AI.

13 international organisations, including New Zealand's CERT NZ and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NZ), have released joint guidance on best practice for engaging with artificial intelligence (AI) securely.

24 January 2024


The purpose of the paper is to provide guidance with summaries of important threats related to AI systems and steps organisations can take to engage with AI while managing risk. It provides mitigations for both self-hosted and third-party hosted AI systems.

Engaging with Artificial Intelligence (AI) [PDF, 2.2 MB]

Like all digital systems, AI presents both opportunities and threats. To take advantage of the benefits of AI securely, all stakeholders involved with these systems (e.g. programmers, end users, senior executives, analysts, marketers) should take some time to understand what threats apply to them and how those threats can be mitigated.

For further reading, CERT NZ has published two other papers on AI based on our own research, available on our resources page. NCSC-NZ has published interim guidance on generative AI for the public service.

Guidance | CERT NZ

Interim Generative AI guidance for the public service | NZ Digital government External Link

While the paper is focused on using AI systems securely rather than developing secure AI systems, the authoring agencies encourage developers of AI systems to refer to the joint Guidelines for Secure AI System Development.

Guidelines for secure AI system development - NCSC.GOV.UK External Link