Our website has been refreshed!

Since moving the information for individuals and businesses to Own Your Online, we have been working to refresh the CERT NZ website to focus on information for IT specialists and large organisations, as well as our local and international partners.

31 July 2024

The CERT NZ website has practical information on keeping systems and data safe from attack, the latest advisories and critical controls, and data and insights on cyber security incidents, behaviours and trends. It is the home of our reporting tools if you need to report an incident.

If you have links bookmarked to our old website, you may need to update them now.

Here are some of the changes to our top pages.

Reporting an incident

The CERT NZ is still the place for everyone to report a cyber issue or incident. To help users we have created a landing page that explains why reporting is important and what happens. This means the entry page to each tool is much simpler.

Report an incident


We have kept all our advisories, and they can still be found under the Advisory link in the main navigation.


Critical Controls

Critical Controls have their own section making it easier to find the specific control you may be looking for.

Critical Controls

Technical guides

Technical guides also sit within the information and advice section.

Technical guides

New sections

We have also created two new sections to make it easier to find information:

Insights and research

Partners and programmes


Let us know what you think and how we could improve.