Cyber Smart Week

Cyber Smart Week is our annual campaign to encourage New Zealanders to be cyber secure.

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Cyber Smart Week 2024

We’re on a mission to make New Zealand more cyber resilient, and we’d love your help. Join us for CERT NZ’s annual Cyber Smart Week campaign from 21-27 October 2024.

BANNER website

Cyber Smart Week 2023

Our theme for Cyber Smart Week 2023 was EXPOSED. The campaign aimed to raise the importance of being secure online by showing what’s at stake when we don’t get cyber security right.

EXPOSED presented stories of New Zealanders who have been targeted by attackers while going about their lives. They wanted to share their stories to encourage New Zealanders to go from exposed to secure online.

Cyber Smart Week 2023 also saw the launch of our website for individuals and business Own Your Online. Check out the link to see the campaign stories and explore the website.