Tiakina tō mana tuihono Own Your Online

Own Your Online was created to help individuals and businesses in New Zealand understand cyber security and learn how to protect themselves online.

Created by CERT NZ, Own Your Online is designed to help New Zealanders understand cyber security, learn why it’s important, and discover how to get protected online.
New Zealanders are being targeted by cyber criminals more and more often these days, and despite being aware and concerned about cyber attacks, a third of us don’t know why it’s important to be secure online.

Most of us take care of the things we value in life – we lock our doors, we put our seatbelts on, and we protect our loved ones – but we could do better in our digital lives.

Own Your Online aims to simplify online security, and provides relatable ‘how to’ guides and information to help New Zealanders and their small to medium businesses:

  • understand the most common online risks and threats
  • know how to stay protected against cyber attacks
  • check to see if something's a scam
  • get help when targeted by an attack online.

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